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Extra layer of security (cPanel)

Extra layer of security (cPanel)

It is possible add extra layer of security using cPanels password protected directories feature. Cronjobs needs to be slightly tweaked after this edit.

1) Login to your cPanel
2) Click Password Protect Directories
3) Choose Document root for your PTR domain
4) Click folder pictures until you see / public_html / scripts /
5) Click admin
6) Tick "Password protect this directory:" and give name, like "CashCrusader Admin panel"
7) Click save
8) Click back and scroll down to Create User part
9) Fill in details, username and password, use only alphanumeric characters
10) Click Add/modify authorized user

11) Go back to cPanel main view
12) Click cron jobs
13) Choose your skill level
14) Edit your cronjobs to include login details using username/password from step 9

Default cronjob using lynx
lynx --dump http://YOURDOMAIN/scripts/admin/cronjobs.php > /dev/null
lynx --dump --auth=USERNAME:PASSWORD http://YOURDOMAIN/scripts/admin/cronjobs.php > /dev/null

Alternative cronjob using wget
wget -q http://YOURDOMAIN/scripts/admin/cronjobs.php > /dev/null
wget -q http://USERNAME:PASSWORD@YOURDOMAIN/scripts/admin/cronjobs.php > /dev/null

- If you are using other application than lynx or wget to run cronjob, please consult manual (for example using Google) for that specific program or ask your host how to include HTTP authorization for it (if needed).
- You will need to edit all cronjobs, which are launching a script located in /scripts/admin/ using above cronjob edit.

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